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Stress & Depression - Lead to Suicide Ideation

Yesterday, we're shock to know that famous idol and a member of SHINEE, Jong Hyun has committed suicide due to depression. This has give heartbreaking and unfortunate news to the family, friends and also to the fans. Many people saying that 'he didn't show any sign or symptom of leaving the world' and some of them saying that 'eleh, ni mesti tak kuat iman. Tu yang pergi bunuh diri tu'.

Stress & Depression is real guys . You'll never know what they feel, how much it hurt them inside. Normal people will never know how it affect them. Each person have their limit, have their own strength, and have different thought - in sum human is unique.


Stress can be a good motivator but it can be bad if it wears you down. There are various reason to feel stress and may harm your overall physical, mental, and emotional health. Based on Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), approximately 4.2 million Malaysian citizen have varies mental health issues.


Depression is more serious issue and long-lasting than stress. It requires different type of support and help from the expert. More than 300 million people suffer from depression and expected to increase. The good news is that depression is highly treatable condition. However it is not something that you can snap out by yourself.

Stress VS Depression

What the differences? Here are the list of sign and symptoms of stress and depression.

Depression - Sign & Symptoms

Depression - Sign & Symptoms

Stress - Sign & Symptoms

If you notice someone have this symptoms, make sure they get the right help and right treatment. Don't said something like "It's okay, I understand how you feel" but rather, "I don't know how you feel, I couldn't understand how you feel but I'll be here for you anyway" because it help them more that what you think.

Deepest condolence to the family . #ripjonghyun

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